Friday, November 26, 2010

I've moved!!!

So it finally happened. I've been lifted and moved to a different area of my site. This is the first time I've gone anywhere in 160 odd years!!

The move went very well, so top marks to Britton's for treating an old cottage with care and attention.

Want to see it take place? Take a look at this video: 

So what's going to happen next? Well Pataka archeologists are going to do a 'dig' to find out how I was built and what else in in my grounds, then there's going to be earthworks to raise the ground to stop me from flooding when I'm put back in the same position. Once back I'm going to be restored! YES!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh Boy!

Take a look at this! Now it may look like it's a mess but it's the start of the prep of the site to enable me to be moved and raised. I know it looks awful but you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs.

The site of the old water dynamics building has been cleared and leveled and this is where I will be placed whilst my site is raised. Hopefully my owners will get on with moving me soon, everything is ready but my owners are just waiting now for Porirua city council to sign off the resource consent for the works they want to do on site and to enable me to be plumbed into the proper sewage system - I don't want to be reconnected to my old septic tank and without a toilet what use am I to anyone?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

So what's going on?

Well, I've been waiting all this time to find out if funding from the Historic Places trust has been awarded, I still don't know but I will find out this coming week.

Also the plans my owners have for me and my grounds have been with the council awaiting resource consent. There have been a few hurdles but my owners have jumped them and now there is just one outstanding issue - which hopefully will be resolved tomorrow.

So for the past six months there's not been much to write about, but I'm hoping and keeping my window sashes crossed that it all happens this week and I can start writing weekly if not more.

My door is looking better at least

Whilst the work was being done

The end result

So I feel more secure now!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Looking a bit scruffy at the moment

Well, my ole buddy "Water Dynamics" building has gone, and the site looks a real mess. Oh well, guess you can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs.

The remains of the chimney from my old kitchen lean-to has also been removed.

From what I know the plans for the redevelopment of the site and of me have been submitted to the local council and my owners should be hearing back very soon. This is all quite exciting as it means my restoration grows closer. I'm not sure of the plans for the rest of the site but I'm going to be restored to my former glory and my owners are going to rent me out on a short-term basis - meaning that once again I will have people living, eating and relaxing in me - whoo hoo.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Long time

Wow! A long time since I last updated this. Well there's not a lot to report at the moment, my owners have not started work on me or the site yet, but I do have someone using me now. It's a new company called SpliceGroup (, they are a great bunch and have cleaned me up somewhat and it's nice to have people inside once again.

There was a party here a few weeks ago and I heard my owners talking about putting the plans into the council for resource consent, so I expect that things will start moving soon - keeping my shingles crossed!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Found a picture of me when I was young!

My owners have come across this picture of me when I was young. Does anyone know who painted it? Apparently the picture has been taken from a print of the watercolour belonging to Margaret Henderson - does anyone know who that is or who may have painted it?

I'm the small building to the left. The bridge is the first one built over the Pauatahanui stream in 1848!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not a lot going on at the moment

Not much to report at the moment, my owners have been showing a few more people around, I overheard a conversation about an architect so I think there's plans etc. being drawn up.

I think the plan is to start working on me once all the plans have been submitted to Poriua city council.

Thankfully I wasn't flooded last weekend despite the heavy rain , you know back in the day the summers were really hot,dry and long - the summer of 1889 was a really good one - rain in the night and sun during the day - though the sun has been getting brighter over the years - wonder why?

Other item of note: I now have a colony of bumble bees living underneath my floor - so at I've got some new tenants (or is that tenbees?) to complement the borer beetles and mice.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Donate & Support

I've just added a 'Donate' button and some ads.

If you would like to support the restoration project then please either donate or click one of the ads.

When I am restored my owners are going to put a plaque or sign up with the names of the people and organisations who made the restoration possible, and this will include the top ten donors at least and possibly more if space allows.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Current State

Here's some photos of my current state, it's not pretty and I'm also full of borer and have rats running around me! I'm confident that my new owners are going to change all that.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Starting off

I'm now under new ownership and have seen my new owners arrive with builders and other tradespeople

You can see more information about me by following these links: