Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not a lot going on at the moment

Not much to report at the moment, my owners have been showing a few more people around, I overheard a conversation about an architect so I think there's plans etc. being drawn up.

I think the plan is to start working on me once all the plans have been submitted to Poriua city council.

Thankfully I wasn't flooded last weekend despite the heavy rain , you know back in the day the summers were really hot,dry and long - the summer of 1889 was a really good one - rain in the night and sun during the day - though the sun has been getting brighter over the years - wonder why?

Other item of note: I now have a colony of bumble bees living underneath my floor - so at I've got some new tenants (or is that tenbees?) to complement the borer beetles and mice.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Donate & Support

I've just added a 'Donate' button and some ads.

If you would like to support the restoration project then please either donate or click one of the ads.

When I am restored my owners are going to put a plaque or sign up with the names of the people and organisations who made the restoration possible, and this will include the top ten donors at least and possibly more if space allows.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My Current State

Here's some photos of my current state, it's not pretty and I'm also full of borer and have rats running around me! I'm confident that my new owners are going to change all that.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Starting off

I'm now under new ownership and have seen my new owners arrive with builders and other tradespeople

You can see more information about me by following these links: